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Two of the biggest proponents of “seed faith giving” cannot pay their debts. The last that I heard the ministry was over 30 MILLION dollars in debt. BUT!!!!! Richard and Oral want you to believe if you send them an “aimed “seed faith gift (money to pay their debts) you will receive your families saved, physical healing, debts cancelled and a whole array of other Free blessings that God Almighty will give you just for the asking!!!!!!
Ask and it shall be given you! Matthew 7:7
If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that -ASK -Him! Matthew 7:14
Now, I do not know the Roberts family, but I do know something about God, and He does not charge his children for gifts!!!! Oh, they say,” You cannot buy a blessing” but you can sow a seed, same THING!!!!
Why don’t you try to give your money to somebody who needs it, not to people who live in million dollar homes that they are not willing to sell to pay their bills. They spend money that they do not have and then they expect you to pay for their mistakes. Maybe if people stop falling for these ridiculous fundraising techniques, and start giving from the heart, they will go out of the manipulating fundraising business and start telling people the truth about giving. They could go to work earning an honest living just like the rest of us!!
Want Prosperity-Get a job!!!
Want Prosperity-don’t buy things that you cannot pay for with cash!
No offense Richard and Oral, but you are not preaching the gospel, and God’s people should not support error! I do not know how you sleep at night!!
God bless,
Susan Puzio
PS-I hope that you will change!
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A Testimony from Susan Puzio-website author
I was born again in 1981 in Redstone, Colorado. I attended a small Baptist church in the mountains and then I was introduced to the teachings of Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland and the other “Word of Faith” teachers at a church in Glenwood Springs. I attended a “word of faith” church after that for over 20 years, many of them. I was a regular attender at faith meetings, of Ken Copeland, Mike Murdock, Rod Parsley, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, all of them.
I finally woke up one day and realized Kenneth Hagin could not be born again in hell. (if you die and go to hell, you do not get another chance) His testimony cannot be correct according to God’s word. He claims he died and went to hell and at the gates he gets saved. That cannot happen.
I read a great book by D.R. McConnell, A Different Gospel, he talks about the Hagin-Kenyon connection and Kenyon’s ties to new thought or new age theology. But really the word of God got me out of the messed up theology.
( I do not claim to know any of these people personally, except for Norvel Hayes as I spent under two years in Cleveland Tennessee, working at his ministry on a volunteer basis and Roberts Liardon who I met in 1987, he was a guest on my tv show in Colorado, and I was a member of his ministerial association. I have been licensed and “ordained” (now only ordained by God) by several ministries. ) I do not know them well enough to pick up the phone and have a conversation, but I am acquainted with them
.I found both men to be sincere, but was greatly disappointed in Roberts for the sin of homosexuality. I no longer believe Roberts testimony about visiting heaven. Nobody that ever came face to face with the Saviour, as Roberts states in his testimony could go so far afield as to live and sleep with his youth pastor while pastoring a church and heading up a bible school.
Also, Roberts claims he talked with dead people in heaven but the bible forbids communication with the dead.
Yes, I believe God forgives, but I wish Roberts would tell the truth all the way. What was he thinking??? Yikes!!!!!
Where was he really the whole time of great success in his ministry? He was so full of personality and charisma, and I wonder what all went so wrong! I am currently curious about his association with Earl Paulk’s” ministry”, since the Paulk’s have crossed over into apostasy.
(Why did Roberts Liardon speak at a conference at a new age church in 2005 which supports homosexuality?
The gay-supportive Harvest Glory Charismatic Conference 2005 featured Pentecostal leaders including D. E. Paulk, Bishop David Huskins, Roberts Liardon and Tammy Faye Messner. It was held in southern California at the end of January under the auspices of Glory Tabernacle Christian Center and GTCC “Pastor” Sandra Turnbull. This is NOT a Christian Church, but an apostate organization.)
My website deals with doctrine, current events and what I believe to be relevant news for these end times.
I do not claim to know the hearts of any of the people we write about. I myself was involved in the false teachings, of the “Word of Faith movement what I mean by this is blab it and grab it, seed-sowing, blind obedience to pastors, etc.
I was taught for the most part submit and shut up, but through the grace of God he brought me out. You should always question what does not agree with the word, no matter what so called great one is teaching.
I found that when I read only one translation of the bible, King James version, I became more stable as far as doctrine. I believe if you will wash, with the word of God, you will have a wonderful transformation
.I spent many years ministering in churches in many different parts of the world and yes I believe God gave women a mouth, a brain and a bible and I use all!!
I was a speaker for many women’s Aglow chapters both here and in Europe. I held my own prophetic conferences, held hundred’s of miracle healing crusades, spoke a few times at Happy church in Denver ( Marilyn Hickey’s ministry) for the singles in the 1980′s.
I was in charge of the singles ministry At Norvel Hayes church in Cleveland Tn. I also taught rarely at the bible college.
I taught at other bible schools as a guest in London, England, making over 30 ministry visits there.
I traveled extensively throughout England, meeting many wonderful, sincere people, plus many foreign countries including Austria, Czechoslavakia, Scotland, Wales, South Africa, Swaziland, Germany and Malta, I always paid my own way and never asked for a fee or travel expenses. I received freewill offerings and yes God paid the bills. I was able to preach and teach at over a hundred venues. I love bible teaching!!!
I produced and hosted a television program in Colorado for 2 years. We were aired in Denver and Aspen. I love doing TV. I also was actively trying to purchase a TV station-I know how that works.
I also hosted 2 radio programs, one in Live Oak, Fl and one in Tampa Fl. I was a guest on the 700 club and some local TBN programs in Denver and Miami in the 1980′s. I appeared on CTN, in Clearwater, Fl many times, among many other tv shows. I authored books, and worked and studied very hard to be an accurate bible teacher.
I love my work and I love Jesus with all my heart, but I came to realize that my doctrine did not line up with my bible. I realized I had no healing power. I had no positive confession that could bring me out of situations, but I was totally dependent on God and His word for everything. God took me out of public ministry in the late 1990′s and currently I am unseen, but still heard.
I knew once I started speaking out against “seed-faith” and “tithing” the “word” churches would not want me and so it was. The Word was not welcome. I took secular jobs to earn a living. I would rather do anything, other than to take the gospel and use it for my gain,the truth is everything.
I feel I can speak from experience, I have been there, done that, as they say. I was on my way up to so called fame and fortune, but God did not let me go. He took me down to build me up. No, I too have not arrived. So maybe I can help others to realize the error of their ways and lay down the pride of trying to build a kingdom that does not in any way resemble the Kingdom of our God and blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ.
I only give you a full explanation of my ministerial resume to let you know that I am not someone just sitting at a computer saying things about the bible and false doctrines, I have personally been involved with the in’s and out’s of public ministry.
I hesitated for a long time about doing so, but I get so many emails from people who think I just got saved, am not saved, don’t know my bible, etc, etc, (still learning). I know what it is to build a ministry, to try to believe God for finances, to travel, to study, to pray and to lay down my life for the gospel. I love the gospel!!
I know God helped me and I love people enough to tell them the truth. The truth hurts sometimes, but it always, always helps.
I CURRENTLY HOST A RADIO PROGRAM ON BLOG TALK RADIO-PROPHETIC NEWS- This is fun-Hope you will tune in– in Saturday 1PM est